Friday, 2 December 2016

Splish Splash Splosh

Doing Anything on New Years Day?

Come to Portstewart Strand and take a dip for Charity or just Come and Watch


Sunday 1st January 2017

Portstewart Strand

Here is an appeal from organiser Donal Macauley:-

Splish, Splash, Splosh 2017

I realise a lot of people are planning for the forthcoming Christmas period and again I am inviting you to join our annual Splish, Splash, Splosh madness in Portstewart Strand on New Year’s Day to raise funds for the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society - SANDS.
Last year we raised a fantastic amount - over £3000 for the local charity. It was the single largest donation given to the local Charity. This money was used by the end of August 2016 (SANDS statistics) by helping bereaved parents.
Stillbirth is one of the most heart wrenching experiences any family can go through and leaves a pain that only those who have endured can really understand.
One in three pregnancies in Northern Ireland end in devastation.
All I am asking is to please consider joining us for the madness of the Splash on NYD or nominating another to take your place (You don’t have to like them too much!!).
Every year you make a difference; you will be unknown to those you help but the silent bereaved know you were there. Thank you.

Please email for a sponsorship form and poster or message on Facebook.


We are so sorry that your baby has died. At Sands, we understand how devastating it is when a baby dies as many of us have been through the experience ourselves.

We know that everyone grieves differently and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Each person needs different types of support and this can change over time. Some people may be happy to talk, others might take comfort from quietly reading about others experiences, while some may prefer to meet face to face and share their experience.

Sands supports anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby before, during or shortly after birth. We offer emotional support and information for parents, grandparents, siblings, children, families and friends, health professionals and others.

(info Courtesy of SANDS Website)

For more info please visit SANDS Website

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